
حاشیه‌گذاری‌های هوشنگ

هوشنگ 🌐

در بخش مقدمه کتاب «The Tuning of the World (1977)» به قلم آقای «R. Murray Schafer» آهنگساز، نویسنده، فیلسوف و آموزگار کانادایی که پژوهشی است در زمینه تئوری و فلسفه مفهومی به نام "Soundscape" که اصطلاح معاصر و جامعی است در زبان انگلیسی به معنی « کل صداهایی که در یک مکان به گوش انسان میرسد اعم از موسیقایی و غیر موسیقایی» به بیت ذیل از بوستان سعدی اشاره شده است. 

نگویم سماع ای برادر که چیست

مگر مستمع را بدانم که کیست


گزیده اشاره شده از کتاب: 


We will not argue for the priority of the ear. In the West the ear gave way to the eye as the most important gatherer of information about the time of the Renaissance, with the development of the printing press and perspective painting. One of the most evident testaments of this change is the way in which we have come to imagine God. It was not until the Renaissance that God became portraiture. Previously he had been conceived as sound or vibration. In the Zoroastrian religion, the priest Srosh (representing the genius of hearing) stands between man and the pantheon of the gods, listening for the divine messages, which he transmits to humanity. Samā is the Sufi word for audition or listening. The followers of Jalal-ud-din Rumi worked themselves into a mystical trance by chanting and whirling in slow gyrations. Their dance is thought by some scholars to have represented the solar system, recalling also the deep-rooted mystical belief in an extraterrestrial music, a Music of the  Spheres, which the attuned soul may at times hear. But these exceptional powers of hearing, what I have called clairaudience, were not attained effortlessly. The poet Saadi says in one of    his lyric poems

I will not say, my brothers, what samā is Before I know who the listener is



هوشنگ در ‫۳ سال و ۱ ماه قبل، شنبه ۸ خرداد ۱۴۰۰، ساعت ۰۴:۵۷ دربارهٔ سعدی » بوستان » باب سوم در عشق و مستی و شور » بخش ۲۲ - گفتار اندر سماع اهل دل و تقریر حق و باطل آن:

در بخش مقدمه کتاب «The Tuning of the World (1977)» به قلم آقای «R. Murray Schafer» آهنگساز، نویسنده، فیلسوف و آموزگار کانادایی که پژوهشی است در زمینه تئوری و فلسفه مفهومی به نام "Soundscape" که اصطلاح معاصر و جامعی است در زبان انگلیسی به معنی « کل صداهایی که در یک مکان به گوش انسان میرسد اعم از موسیقایی و غیر موسیقایی» به بیت ذیل از بوستان سعدی اشاره شده است. 

نگویم سماع ای برادر که چیست

مگر مستمع را بدانم که کیست


گزیده اشاره شده از کتاب: 


We will not argue for the priority of the ear. In the West the ear gave way to the eye as the most important gatherer of information about the time of the Renaissance, with the development of the printing press and perspective painting. One of the most evident testaments of this change is the way in which we have come to imagine God. It was not until the Renaissance that God became portraiture. Previously he had been conceived as sound or vibration. In the Zoroastrian religion, the priest Srosh (representing the genius of hearing) stands between man and the pantheon of the gods, listening for the divine messages, which he transmits to humanity. Samā is the Sufi word for audition or listening. The followers of Jalal-ud-din Rumi worked themselves into a mystical trance by chanting and whirling in slow gyrations. Their dance is thought by some scholars to have represented the solar system, recalling also the deep-rooted mystical belief in an extraterrestrial music, a Music of the  Spheres, which the attuned soul may at times hear. But these exceptional powers of hearing, what I have called clairaudience, were not attained effortlessly. The poet Saadi says in one of    his lyric poems

I will not say, my brothers, what samā is Before I know who the listener is
